Image: George Mendoza
After hearing the story of the Good Samaritan yesterday,
let's offer our thanks for all who stop and take time
to help us in so many ways every day...
Good morning, good God!
There are so many good people in my life, Lord:
so many caring, generous, selfless folks
who give of themselves for others
as naturally as the rest of us breathe in and out...
Some folks, Lord, seem born to give:
always ready to pitch in, to help out, to volunteer,
to step up to the plate and go the extra mile,
never counting the cost to themselves,
sharing graciously, always, with others...
I offer you my thanks and praise, Lord,
for those who are the first to say yes,
- and cheerfully so-
and the ones who are last to go home
- with no complaint -
making sure that everything's done
and what's more - that all is done well…
So many good people, Lord,
have touched my life with their generous spirit,
lightened my load with their helping hands
and were there by my side just when I needed them…
I thank you, Lord,
for those who are always there,
who find and make time to serve others,
others who might never know
who volunteered and did all the planning;
who printed the handouts and wrote the emails;
who showed up early and opened the doors,
turned on the lights and made the coffee;
who set up the chairs, the tables and munchies,
who handled the problems, heard the complaints,
took all the grief and cleaned up the mess
- left by the people they had just served…
I thank you, Lord, for those who offer generous hours of
gracious care, patient listening, broad shoulders,
strong arms, understanding eyes, skillful hands
and a heart that’s open all day long,
- no matter how heavy its burdens may be...
I offer you thanks, Lord,
for those who work, help and volunteer
in schools and parishes, in neighborhoods and towns,
in food pantries, open tables and soup kitchens,
in hospitals, senior centers and nursing home,
in sports and scouts and children's groups;
those who reach out and serve in so many ways
those alone, those in need, those in trouble;
may I never presume on their kindness
nor take for granted their generous spirit...
As I am served by others, Lord,
make me their servant, too:
called to give, to share with all
from all you’ve given me…
I offer you my thanks, Lord,
for the caring, loving, selfless folks
who lighten my load, share my burdens
and reveal in their generous love
the love you have for us all…
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