
Monday Morning Offering: 8/29

 Morning Coffee: George Mendoza
Good morning, good God!
I begin my week, Lord, by thanking you
for one of the finest weekends of my life:
    the wedding of a couple I've known since they were children,
    the company  of their families, long time friends,
    a celebration of faith in prayer, song and joy,
    two days on the Cape with perfect weather,
    a reunion with  friends from my former parish,
    good food, good drink, good spirits, good times!
Not all my weekends are like this, Lord
- this one was especially blessed by your presence,
your love and the faith that calls all together...
But the same weekend, Lord, 
was, for others, a time of trial and disappointment,
a time of loneliness and distress,
a time to be endured, not celebrated...

Every weekend, Lord, 
finds some of your people filled with joy
and others weighed down by sadness...
I've thanked you, Lord, for the blessings and gifts
that were mine these last three days  
and I offer this morning the heavy hearts 
of those who carry their burden...
I offer these hearts for your mending, Lord,
and I offer their pain for your healing touch
and the brush of your hand to wipe away
the tears that flow from their souls...

Help those who are filled with joy, Lord,
reach out to share with those who have none
and open the hearts of those bowed down
to rise up with the help of your grace...





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