We hold in prayer all those who live
in the hurricane's path...
As creation reveals your stormy power,
show us the strength of your mercy
and spare those whose fragile lives are at risk
in the wind, the rain and the flooding..
We pray for all who are forced from their homes,
seeking shelter in safer places
and for those who offer them comfort
and a place to rest 'til calm returns...
And to those who stand tall among us,
called first to respond and to serve,
send angels to be their protection,
to guard and keep them from harm...
And remind us all, Lord,
of how much we need
to serve one another as you served us:
fully, freely, no strings attached,
giving your self, that others be spared...
Be our shelter in all of life's storms, Lord
and save us that we might live
to praise you with joy and thanksgiving
when the tempest finally has passed...
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