Your very name is holy, Lord:
filled with power, filled with strength,
flowing with blessing and healing;
filled with hope, filled with freedom,
flowing with life and light...
Your name, O Lord - Jesus, my Lord -
slips from my lips as a perfect prayer,
just whispering your name empowers my soul,
invoking your name calls down your glory
and touches my life with your grace...
O Lord, open my lips
and my mouth will proclaim your praise!
Remind me, Jesus,
to call on your name
from dawn to dusk,
to pray your name
as a holy mantra,
to speak your name
with reverence and awe,
to preach your name
as gospel of mercy,
to whisper your name
in my heart of hearts,
to sing your name
with gusto and joy,
to praise your name
for its awesome power,
to revere your name
as the Name most holy...
Your very name is holy, Lord:
a word of glory, power and might,
a sweet and gracious saving sound,
a blessing laid upon my lips...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song prays for the power of Jesus' name
to heal some of our human frailties, difficulties not
often mentioned in a hymn: what frailties might you
lift up for Jesus' healing touch?
I Speak Jesus by Dustin Smith
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