I met with my retreat director last night and he suggested I might take a look at Psalm 23 - but read it in the first person: "I am your shepherd, Austin, and nothing shall you want..." Well, I did just that and in rephrasing the psalm I found a whole new level of depth and meaning. Leaving the name blank so that you can insert yours and pray with this text, here's how I rephrased the scripture:
I'm your shepherd, _________
and so you'll want for nothing.
In fresh, green pastures I give you rest
and near peaceful waters I lead you
to lift up your spirits
when you're feeling down.
I always guide you along the right path
because I'm true to my name.
If you find yourself in a dark valley, don't be afraid:
I'm there with my crook and my staff
and with these I comfort and care for you.
When you're restless or disappointed,
or when nothing seems to be going your way,
it's then I prepare a banquet for you,
anoint your head with the oil of gladness
and I fill your cup to overflowing.
Only goodness and kindness follow you, _________
all the days of your life
and my house is always your house,
now and for ever. Amen.
The first benefit of praying Psalm 23 this way is how I'm reminded
that yes, the Lord is the shepherd of all - but also my own shepherd, a
shepherd personally and intimately desiring that I want for nothing I
truly need and that goodness and kindness follow me every day of my
life. And that leads me to wonder, to pray, how the Lord is presently
shepherding me in ways I've missed or don't yet see or understand...
For example: is the valley I'm in so dark that I've closed my eyes to the
light of Christ leading and guiding me with his shepherd's crook to
green meadows and peace and peaceful waters?
How is Jesus my shepherd when I'm feeling sad and confused?
How is Jesus my shepherd when I'm feeling lost and alone?
How is Jesus my shepherd when I'm longing for comfort and care?
I'm sure I'll be praying with these words while on retreat here - and
for the rest of Lent - and beyond...
Perhaps this prayer will help you, too, discover when and how and
where Jesus is shepherding you...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
I didn't expect to find a setting of Psalm 23 in the first person -
but I did!
I Am the Good Shepherd by John Michael Talbot
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