Sometimes, Lord,
we find our hope
in the smallest of signs:
gifts from you
reminding our hearts
and assuring our souls
that all shall be well,
yes, all indeed
shall be well...
You left such a sign,
a gift of your love,
upon the path
my sister and bro-in-law walked
to visit their son's final resting place,
a year from the day he passed over, Lord,
from his home in the mountains
to life with you...
Pasque flowers, Lord!
How perfect:
this close to Easter,
your rising in glory,
your promise of peace,
your pledge of new life
for ever and ever,
age upon age,
world without end...
Such a simple blossom,
rising with you,
waking in vernal beauty,
touching hearts who happen upon
this smallest of signs,
a gift of your love,
reminding our hearts,
assuring our souls
that all shall be well,
yes, all indeed
shall be well...
Open our eyes and our ears, Lord,
open our hearts, our souls and our dreams
lest we miss even one
of the smallest of signs
of your gift of love,
your promise of peace,
your pledge of life for ever and ever,
age upon age,
world without end...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
I posted this song just last week
- but it's too perfect for tonight's prayer not to post again!
There Is A Hope by Stuart Townend
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