First time this spring, Lord!
I slept through the night
with a window open,
under just a light blanket's cover...
When the fresh air woke me from my sleep
the morning seemed much brighter,
somehow lighter and more glorious
than any morn since sometime last October...
Small things stir my soul, Lord:
as when I pause and pay attention
when your Spirit moves in nature
and you nudge me from my slumber
to a dream at last come true:
rising early morning light
warmed by springtime's sweet debut...
I've no doubt you're always generous, Lord,
in offering these small gifts
and in the many ways your Spirit comes
to tap me on the shoulder,
to turn my eye to beauty
and my heart to find your presence
in the world outside my window...
So, nudge a little harder, Lord!
Rouse me from my drowsiness!
Stir my soul to dream and to imagine
all you have in store for me:
your blessings, gifts and grace,
your mercy, joy and peace,
your presence in sunlight
pouring through my window...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is mostly a hymn,
partly an ode to friendship and love...
I Believe In Springtime by John Rutter
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I believe in springtime: fresh and new and bright;
I believe in morning dew and shining morning light.
I believe in sunbeams, melting all the snow;
And I believe when winter's done
The streams will run and rivers flow.
I believe in eagles soaring up so high;
I believe in trees and mountains reaching to the sky.
I believe in green things; all the gifts of earth;
Growing up from tiny seeds that spring has brought to birth.
I believe in summer; I believe in fall:
But most of all I believe in God
Who made it and blessed it all.
I believe in people, living all as one;
Sharing all their songs and laughter, happiness and fun;
I believe in friendship: taking time to care;
And feeling sure of someone else,
And someone feeling glad you're there.
Then I start to wonder how it all might be
If the world could live together just like you and me.
I believe in hoping; I believe in prayer;
I believe in trying hard and learning how to share.
I believe in dreaming; and, when dreams are through,
Then I believe in trusting God
To help me make dreams come true
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