
Pause for Prayer: WEDNESDAY 5/17

The prophet Micah says 
    this is "all" that God requires of us!
Short verse - tall order!
To do what is just:
How's that playing out right now
    in my life, my family, 
    at work?  at school?
    in my neighborhood and community?
To love what is good:
Are there good things I need to learn 
    to love more fully? more freely?
        with more forgiveness?
Are there things I love
    that I need to give up or give away?
    things I need to surrender and let go?
    things I'd be better off without?
To walk humbly with you, my God:
Do I walk with you each day by day?
Do I stay by your side 
    as you stay by mine?
How might my step 
    be more humble than proud?


Texting with God

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