
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 8/17

I'm so good at confounding and complicating life,
I'm an expert when it comes to heaping fear on top of worries,
I'm an ace at mistrusting the choices I make
    - so help me, Lord, help me keep it simple...

I'm a champ at assuming that things will just get worse, 
I'm a nervous second-guesser,  I'm never really sure -
 I'm proficient at blowing all things up - way out of proportion
     - so help me, Lord, help me keep it simple...

I'm tops at over-analyzing every choice I make,
I'm a pro at obscuring what's so clearly plain to see -
I'm adept at disturbing what beyond a doubt's been settled,
    - so help me, Lord, help me keep it simple...

Help me see things as they are, Lord:
   resolve the doubts that numb my mind,
   unravel all my scrambled thoughts,
   relieve me of my overthinking,
      awfulizing everything
   and help me trust what my heart knows
       and follow where it leads...

Help me keep it simple, Lord,
    just help me keep it simple...





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