The crickets sang in the grasses.They sang the song of summer’s ending,a sad, monotonous song.“Summer is over and gone,” they sang.“Over and gone, over and gone. Summer is dying, dying.”The crickets felt it was their duty to warn everybodythat summertime cannot last forever.Even on the most beautiful days in the whole year— the days when summer is changing into fall —the crickets spread the rumor of sadness and change.- E.B. White in Charlotte's Web
It's the last night in September, Lord,
and choirs of crickets are reminding me
that summer is over and done,
that summer is taking her leave of us,
that summer is going, going, gone...
At the end of the day comes the crickets' hymn
on a wisp of a breeze, an unwelcome dirge
spoiling my summertime reverie,
turning my mood in an autumn crisp and chill...
My lips resist the dirge
and yet its repetitious chant beguiles me
and draws me in 'til I embrace
- or am embraced -
by seasons changing:
summer's ending,
fall's beginning...
Is this the gain that comes in loss?
Is this the grace that's born of grief?
Is this the joy that I'm to find
in letting go what I can't keep?
Is this the secret in your pledge?
the grace we all await?
the message in the crickets' song,
their simple, plaintive prayer?
September ends this evening, Lord,
and crickets tell no lies,
so the ugly rumor must be true:
summer's passed
and autumn's on the rise...
Teach me how to sing then
in the crickets' choir of praise,
to join with them in their welcoming
this season of your love,
to welcome in the changes, Lord,
that every season brings...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
(Tonight's music for prayer is amazing!
The audio has two overlaid tracks: the first is the sound of crickets
and the second is the same sound slowed down by a factor of 800.
The slowed down sound has a beautiful, haunting choral quality
- but remember - the only sounds you'll hear are crickets!)
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