It's been said, Lord,
that your first language is
If that's the truth
(and I believe it is!)
it's no wonder
I sometimes have trouble hearing you...
Plus, there's too much, so much noise
in my life,
in my mind and thoughts,
in my heart and soul:
too many sounds competing for my attention
and distracting me
from the silent, peaceful sound
of your presence and your word...
So I'm praying, Lord
for some silence in my day:
for some silence in my day:
a time and place set apart
just to be quiet,
to listen for your breath,
just to be quiet,
to listen for your breath,
for a whispered word
to break the silence in my soul,
to break the silence in my soul,
to fill me with your presence
and calm my anxious thought
and to settle me with peace...
and to settle me with peace...
(Take some time here
just to sit in the silence, to sit in the silence,
to let the silence enter you...)
til the only sound I hear
is the beating of my heart,
the heart you've made your home,
your dwelling place with in me...
Silence my world, Lord:
quiet my soul:
tame my anxiety,
calm my fears,
temper my passions,
compose my mixed emotions
ease my burdened heart
and then
and drench my heart in mercy
making peace
'tween my heart, Lord and yours
in a silence broken only
by your whispered word of peace
and my heart's word of thanks...
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