The meme below popped up today in my Facebook memories
- something I posted 2018.
I was struck again by its wisdom and now, five years later,
it became the inspiration for the Night Prayer below...
from honing in on struggles
and denying opportunities...
Deliver me, Lord,
from stalling at roadblocks
and yielding my right of way...
Deliver me, Lord,
from dwelling on my problems
and diminishing my blessings...
Deliver me, Lord,
from rehearsing all my troubles
and missing their solutions...
Deliver me, Lord,
from drowning in self-pity
and refusing others' help...
Deliver me, Lord,
from hiding in my sadness
and declining joy's persuasion...
Deliver me, Lord,
from presuming only bad news
and expecting nothing more...
Deliver me, Lord,
from the blahs and the blues
and the song they sing in my soul...
Deliver me, Lord,
from whatever keeps me
from believing in you and your love for me,
from trusting in you and your faithfulness,
from hoping in you and your plan for me,
from walking with you where I fear to go,
from leaning on you when I'm tired and weak,
from following you down unknown paths,
from finding in my way, my truth and my life...
Deliver me, Lord, I pray,
for without your grace I know I'll be lost,
apart from your help I have no hope
and only with you will I find the peace
to heal and fill my heart and soul...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Deliver Me by Aaron Shust
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