I've been thinking, Lord, of how you carry me,
about all the ways you carry me
from year to year,
season to season,
day to day
- even hour to hour!
How do you carry me, Lord?
Let me count the ways...
You carry and sustain me with your grace:
that mysterious nectar of your Spirit
anointing my mind, heart and soul
with your counsel, wisdom and peace...
You lift me up, you bear me up
on the love, affection and faithful help
of my family, friends and neighbors,
all my sisters and brothers...
With mercy beyond my imagining,
you pardon and forgive me my sins,
you mend and heal my heart,
you restore and repair
what I've carelessly torn asunder...
Dwelling in my heart, Lord,
in depths I've neither found nor dared to plumb,
you clarify my thoughts,
empower my words and deeds,
fill my empty places,
give me trust and hope,
carry and sustain me
and lift me up on wings of prayer
year to year,
season to season,
day to day
- even hour to hour...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
You Carry Me by Moriah Peters
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Feels like it's been miles and miles
Feels like it's an uphill climb
Sometimes I get weary on the way
But when I look back at where I've been
When I look back, I'm sure of it
I was right there in your arms and I can say
Every moment of my life
God, you never left my side
Every valley, every storm
You were there, you were there
I don't need to know what's next
You'll be with me every step
Through it all, through it all
I can see You carry me
There are days I wonder if
You can fix the mess I'm in
Times when nothing seems to go the way it should
But then I look back on every season
I can find there's ten thousand reasons
To trust that you can work all things for good
Every moment of my life
God, you never left my side
Every valley, every storm
You were there, you were there
I don't need to know what's next
You'll be with me every step
Through it all, through it all
I can see
Through the wind and waves
Through my worst mistakes
Through the times I thought I walked alone
You were holding me
You were whispering
I will never leave you on your own
Every moment of my life
God, you never left my side
Every valley, every storm
You were there, you were there
I don't need to know what's next
You'll be with me every step
Through it all, through it all
I can see...
You carry me
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