
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 11/6


November is the Month of All Souls, a time set apart to pray for those who have died.  Some will find this a time of renewed grief, others will find it a time of consolation and still others will both grieve and take comfort in praying for their loved ones, now gone home to God.  

I trust in you, Lord,
in your gift of mercy
and your promise of life
that will have no end...

And at the same time, Lord,
I worry for those 
    who have slipped from my arms,
I worry for them 
    and the journey that's theirs
from my embrace into yours...

I trust in you, Lord,
    and the places you've promised,
the rooms you've prepared
    in your Father's house
but just as I worried on many a night
    for my own to come home, safe and sound,
so I pray this evening they're home now with you,
    held forever in your loving arms...
Let my trust swallow up all my worries, Lord,
    let my faith overcome any doubts that are mine,
let my hope in you up lift my heart and my soul
    with the blessed assurance that all shall be well
        for my loved ones, for me, and for all...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over my while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Let Your Restless Hearts Be Still by John Bell

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Kyrie eleison*
Kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison

Let your restless hearts be still
let your your troubled minds be rested
trust in God to lift your care
and in caring trust in me

In God's house you have a place,
were it otherwise I would have told you
this I gladly go to prepare 
and make ready for you all

Where I am and where I'll be 
is where you shall live forever
and the way to where I go
I have walked among you here
I'm the way that never ends
I'm the truth that never changes
I'm the life that never dies
but delights to love you all 

Kyrie eleison*
Kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison
*Kyrie eleison can be understood in two ways:
    1) as a confession, "Lord, have mercy on me a sinner!"
    2) as an acclamation, "Lord have mercy - I won the lottery!"
Both uses (penance and praise) might support our praying
Kyrie eleisons in this evening's song.




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