I was praying Psalm 51 today, Lord,
and this verse stayed with me:
Create in me a clean heart, O God...
I'm not sure my heart's actually dirty, Lord,
but there are probably places
blemished by my faults,
soiled by resentments,
grimy with bad habits
tarnished by impatience,
dirtied by pilfering,
marred by my selfishness,
sullied by envy,
fouled by lust,
mucky with deception,
muddied with lies,
grubby with grudges,
stained by cheating,
smeared with prejudice,
littered with wastefulness,
and spattered by my carelessness...
Ya know, Lord, on second thought -
looks like my heart might need a good spring cleaning!
Create in me a clean heart, O God...
I need a clean slate, Lord, and I know:
only your mercy can wash away
the stubborn stains of all my bad habits;
only the strength and pow'r of your grace
can scour my soul 'til it shines and reflects
your image - in which I am made;
and only your kindness can gently bathe
and heal the wounds and scars I bear:
the marks of my need for your pardon...
Create in me a clean heart, O God...
wash away guilt and give me again
the comfort and joy of your peace...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
I love the prayerful pace of this song...
Create In Me by Bob Hurd
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Create in me a clean heart.
Have mercy on me, God,
in your compassion.
Remove my sin.
Wash me from my guilt.
Create in me a clean heart.
O purify my heart and
teach me wisdom;
then I shall be
cleaner than the snow.
Create in me a clean heart.
O give me back the joy
of your salvation;
a willing spirit
sustain in me.
Create in me a clean heart.
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