Yesterday afternoon I spent some time on the retreat house lawn overlooking the ocean. Something about the water's relative calm, the span of the horizon and the simple wooden cross led me to remembering those close to me who have crossed that horizon and gone home to God.
I remembered and prayed for family members, some long gone and a few much more recently missing from my arms' embrace... I prayed for classmates from the Maple Street School, Richmond Junior High and Bishop Fenwick High School... I prayed for seminary classmates and brother priests who have left his life for the next... I prayed especially for two priest friends from my days at Notre Dame whose ministry touched mine in so many ways... I prayed for all those whose funerals I have celebrated over 51 years of serving God's people, many of whom I knew and still remember well... I prayed for all those friends and acquaintances whose paths crossed mine apart from my parish ministry whose lives touched mine in significant ways... And I prayed for family and friends of yours for whom you have, over the years, asked me to pray...
The breadth of the waters before me this afternoon seemed almost limitless - and yet that same expanse somehow drew me close to those who live now in a realm far from Gloucester's shoreline. Of course, all these still live in my heart, my memories and in my prayer - and for that I am most grateful to God...
Perhaps you'll take a moment with the video above and remember those who have left your arms for God's...
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