
Monday Morning Offering: MEMORIAL DAY

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Today, Lord, I'm remembering
those who gave their lives
without a thought of self;
who laid down all 
that I might stand
in freedom dearly won...

I'm praying, Lord,
for those who died in uniform,
who passed from this life 
home to you, their God and Maker,
lover of their souls...

I'm remembering, Lord,
these selfless souls:
their purple-hearted courage
sure and brave on danger's path
where I'd not dare to tread...

I'm praying, Lord, today,
remembering their sacrifice
so freely made, so fully given,
and so easily forgotten 
by just the ones for whom 
their precious gift was made...

I'm praying, Lord, today,
on this Monday of remembrance, 
offering my thanks and praise
for those who loved as you loved us:
    laying down their lives 
    and giving all that all might live
    in freedom and in peace...






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