
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 5/18

                        Art4TheGlryOfGod by Sharon
Here are just some of the ways I need to pray for the
Holy Spirit to come into my life on Pentecost weekend...
Come, Holy Spirit, come to
    replenish, refresh and restart me,
    heal me, mend and restore me, 
    anoint my soul with gladness and joy
    lead me, guide and direct me,
    rouse me, shake me and wake me,
    nudge me, prod me - shove me,
    purify, cleanse and refine me,
    tether me, govern and curb me,
    embolden, excite and inspire me,
    advocate, plead for, defend me,
    motivate, spark and spur me on,
    imbue, infuse and fill me with grace,    
    hearten me, cheer and assure me,
    empower, endow and enable me,
    bend my will to your wisdom and truth,
    advise me, counsel and caution me,
    enhance and deepen my imagination, 
    recreate me as I was created to be...
Come, Holy Spirit, come
    - and come sooner rather than later!





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Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!