Some days, Lord,
or so it seems to me,
some days are in between days...
Some days are in between
a question and its answer...
my illness and its healing...
my hopes and their fulfillment...
a problem and its solving...
my grief and consolation...
Some days are in between
my hopelessness and confidence...
my feeling lost and being found...
my loneliness and friendship...
my shame and self-respect...
my resolve and my achievement...
Some days are in between
my foolishness and prudence...
my worry and serenity...
my efforts and results...
my patience and its harvest...
my self-doubt and conviction...
Perhaps today, Lord,
was just this kind of in between day,
the kind of day when I must
turn to you,
trust in you...
hope in you...
believe in you...
rely on you...
stand with you...
hang with you...
lean on you...
depend on you...
count on you...
rest in you...
confide in you..
pray to you...
precisely because this is
an in between kind of day
and I don't know yet
what tomorrow will bring
- or not bring -
and so I come to you and pray
you'll be my bridge in between
what's been, what is
all that's yet to come...
All days, Lord, as you well know, are
in between
what I know and wait to know...
in between
my beginning and my end...
in between
what's promised and what's realized...
in between
my hopes and dreams and prayers
and the plans you have for me...
in between
my waiting for tomorrow '
and the joy that has no end,
when there's nothing in between us, Lord,
and peace, at last, is mine…
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
The In Between by Matt Maher
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