Incline my heart according to your will, O God...
As soon as I read them, Lord,
these words perched on my heart like a song bird
who's been chanting this tune ever since...
Incline my heart to your will, O Lord:
tilt my heart in your direction,
bend my heart where it's stiff and fixed,
shift my heart when it's set in its ways,
turn my heart toward those in need,
mold my heart to mirror yours,
stretch my heart to open wider,
move my heart to welcome all,
dispose my heart to be forgiving,
impel my heart to your will
whatever your will may be...
Incline my heart to your will, O Lord:
incline my heart to hear what you speak,
incline my heart to love your command,
incline my heart to seek your truth,
incline my heart to wisdom and prudence,
incline my heart to your law of love,
incline my heart to the word of your gospel,
incline my heart to go where you lead me,
incline my heart to follow your Spirit,
incline my heart to listen to yours
in grateful and humble prayer...
Thank you, Lord, for the songbird
perched upon my heart
and for the beauty of her music,
the wisdom of her litany...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Protect us, Lord while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Here's an amazingly powerful song I've never heard before...
Turn My Heart, O God by Marty Haugen
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Turn my heart, O God
Turn my heart, O God
Take my pain and brokenness
Shape my life for you
Come and turn my heart, O God
From all that leads to death
to seek the way of life
Come and turn my heart, O God
From all that leads to sin
to holiness and grace
Come and turn my heart, O God
From all despair and greed
to hope of life renewed
Come and turn my heart, O God
O let your Spirit come
and cleanse my in most heart
Come and turn my heart, O God
Give back to me the joy
of walking in your way
Come and turn my heart, O God
O fill me with your grace
that I may sing your praise
Come and turn my heart, O God
Move my heart O God
Move my heart, O God
Move my heart, O God
Take my pain and brokenness
Shape my life for you
Come and move my heart, O God
O bring me home to you
Most Holy, Blessed One
Come and move my heart, O God
and let my spirit rest
within your loving heart
Come and move my heart, O God
For you alone can raise
my weary soul to life
Come and move my heart, O God
Take my heart, O God
Take my heart, O God,
Take my pain and brokenness
Shape my life for you
Come and take my heart, O God
Turn my heart, O God
Turn my heart, O God
Take my despair and my grief
Take my pain and brokenness
Shape my life for you
Come and turn my heart, O God
Come and turn my heart, O God
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