
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 6/26

 On Face Book I recently posted (and captioned) this meme which received a huge and positive response:
    Trouble comes when we deny or ignore 
               one or two of these three...
 Lord, my physical heart has only four chambers
    but my spiritual heart has so many more! 

There's a chamber for memories, 
    both happy and sad...

There's a storeroom for hope,
    for my plans and my dreams...
There's a pantry well stocked
    with food for my spirit...

There's a guest room ready
    to welcome the stranger...
There's a bedroom waiting
    to give me good rest...

There's a cell of remorse
    for regrets and repentance...
There's a souvenir niche
    of my wins and my losses...

There's a gym for training
   my will and resolve...

There's a vault for holding 
    my heartache and grief... 

There's a clinic for healing
    my hurt and my pain...

There's a dining room ready
    to nourish my soul...
There's a chapel for prayer
    where you I seek your wisdom...
I live in all of these rooms, O Lord:
   each one is open all day and all night;
and most days I manage to live in them all
    - and all at the very same time!

And for that I'm truly grateful, Lord,
    for whether I'm happy, hurting or healing,
        I find you in every room, 
waiting to meet me and welcome me in,
    ready to bless, forgive and embrace me,
        ready to share the peace that's yours
    ready to make your home in me,
        in every room in my heart...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


My Heart, Your Home  by Nathan and Christy Nichols

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