
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 6/23

I know, Lord, that way too often
I settle for less...
I settle for less
than my best and my all...

I settle for
I settle for short-cuts,
half-measures - or less...

I settle for less
than what I can give...

I settle for less
than what I could say...

I settle for less
than what I can do...

I settle for less
than my talents can offer...

I settle for less
than what's fair and just...

I settle for less
than the truth demands...
I settle for less
than forgiving freely...
I settle for less
than the grace you offer...

I settle for less
than who I can be...

I settle for less
than what I deserve...
I settle for less
out of worry and fear...

I settle for less
when I put myself first...

I settle for less
when self-pity wins out...

I settle for less
when I don't ask for help...

I settle for less
when I give up hope...
Way too often, Lord, I settle for less
    so I pray for your help:
            to do my best,
            to give it my all,
            to try again and not give up ,
            to take the next step, 
            to do what is right,
            to put others first,
            to see the big picture,
            to hope beyond fear,
            to desire and reach
                for all that you offer,
                    your mercy, your peace and your joy...

I pray for the grace 
            to be the person you made me to be,
            to do all I can, all I might, all you ask,
            to settle for nothing less, O Lord,
            to settle for nothing less...  




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