
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 7/8

So much weighing heavy on my heart, Lord...
    the fears and anxieties 
        that haunt so many minds...

    the grief that grips the hearts of those 
        who mourn a loved one's loss...

    the wars that ravage nations,
        leaving people poor and homeless...
    the pain of those who suffer
        chronic illness and disease...
    a world that's lost its reverence
        for pure beauty, truth and life... 
    our self-indulgent prejudice
        that blinds us to the facts...

    the division in my homeland 
        and the choices to be made...
    the failure of our efforts
        to be honest, just and fair...
All this is weighing, Lord, 
    heavy on my heart and so I pray:
        for faith that yields to peace of mind,
            for hope that leads to trust...
        for compassion's healing grace 
            to mend the shattered, broken heart...

        for prophets calling each of us
            to lay our weapons down...

        for your anointing touch to cure
            what ails our mortal frame...

        for joy that opens up our souls
            to dance with all creation...

        for an open, humble spirit
            seeking you in every face...
        for wisdom that might lead us
            to resolve what now divides us...
        for your Spirit to engage us
            in the work that sets us free...
All this I pray, Lord,
    from a  heavy, burdened heart
trusting that you're with me
    and will guide me to your peace...  
Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Be With Me Lord  by Marty Haugen
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Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble,
     be with me, Lord, I pray!

You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord most high,
who abide in the shadow of our God,
say to the Lord,  "My refuge and fortress,
the God in whom I trust!"

Be with me, Lord...

No evil shall befall you, no pain come near,
for the angels stand close by your side
guarding you always and bearing you gently,
watching over your life.

Be with me, Lord...

Those who cling to the Lord live secure in God's love
lifted high those who trust in God's name
Call on your Lord who will never forsake you,
God will bring you salvation and joy.

Be with me, Lord...






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