You set up mountains by your might.
You still the roaring of the seas,
the roaring of the waves,
the tumult of the peoples...
-Psalm 65
Lord, the scriptures tell me how powerful you are:
you put the mountains in their place,
with only a word you quiet the ocean's roar;
and at your glance
the sea's roiling waves grow calm...
you speak peace in your people's hearts
and still the turmoil and tumult of nations...
Be powerful in my life, Lord,
when I'm too weak and too small to do on my own
what you ask and require of me,
what my responsibilities demand of me
and all that I want and need to do
to become the person you made me to be...
Will you move the mountains in my way?
Will you put them in their place? clear a path for me?
Will you show me a valley of safe passage
through the range of heights and peaks that loom before me?
You set up the mountains by your might, Lord,
let them not stand, a barrier, between us...
Will you hush the rush of all the noise distracting me
Will you smooth the seas capsizing my craft
and reach out your hand to pull me up from the depths?
that shakes my confidence in you, in others -- in myself?
Will you speak your peace deep within my soul
and give me grace to trust in your strong arm?
Will you show your power in my life, Lord?
Will you move, powerfully, deep within me?
Will you open my eyes and help me see
where you are, how you move, what you do?
When I come to prayer, Lord, let me know:
the safe path you map for me to walk;
a peaceful word to soothe my anxious thoughts;
the calm and peace your presence always brings...
and a thirst for your pure and holy wisdom...
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