
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 8/15

As night falls on this feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into heaven, we'll pray a very simple litany in her honor.  The painting is by Ivalio Petrov.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
    pray for us...
Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
    pray for us...
Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus
    pray for us...
Holy Mary, Mother of us all,
    pray for us...
Holy Mary, Woman of the Promise, 
    pray for us...
Holy Mary, Ark of the New Covenant,
    pray for us...
Mystical Rose, 
    pray for us...
Consoler of souls,
    pray for us...
Queen of Peace,
    pray for us...
Mother of Mercy, 
    pray for us...
Star of the Sea, 
    pray for us...
Seat of Wisdom,
    pray for us...
Doorway to Glory,
    pray for us...
Help of all Christians,
    pray for us...
Holy Mary, assumed into heaven: 
    pray for us all
        in good times and bad,
        in sorrow and joy,
        in sickness and health;
    pray for us sinners
        in need of God's mercy,
   pray for us now,
        every day, every night
    and then at the end
        at the hour of our death...

This song interpolates some Latin phrases from
the Hail Mary with some expanded translation
of the same.

Ave Maria by Gregory Norbet

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Ave Maria, gratia plena
O holy Mary, full of grace
Dominus tecum
with you the Holy One,
such is your gift to know God in your heart.

blest among women
the child that you bore,
Jesus the Saviour, God's love incarnate
deep woman of faith.

Ave Maria, Ave, Ave Maria

Sancta Maria 
Holy Mary
Mater Dei
Mother of God
Ora pro nobis
pray for our faithfulness
All through the seasons of life
with hope and with love
Ora pro nobis
pray for our faithfulness
all through the seasons of life
with hope and with love.




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