
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 8/18

What are human beings, Lord,
    that you are mindful of them? 

Who am I, Lord? 
Who am I 
    that you should know me?
        or be mindful of my being?  
    that you should care for me? about me?
        that you should know me by name?

Sometimes, even often, Lord
    it's hard to believe 
        you'd ever take notice of me,
    that you'd recognize my face  
        among the billions you've created
            since the dawning of creation...

And on the days when I don't even like my own face,
   it's hard to believe, Lord,
      you'd ever even want to look at me...

In the history of the universe 
    my life is but a nanosecond
and yet you know, Lord,
    every move I make, every thought I have, 
    every word I speak, every hope I dream, 
    every fear I carry, every hurt I bear, 
    every wrong I do, every joy I find
    and every doubt I have 
        concerning you and me...

Yet, you have made me little less than a god...
Indeed, so you have, Lord! 

You've given me a mind
    that thinks and learns and knows,
a mind that reasons and comprehends,
    a mind that grasps and understands...
You've given me a mind to know you!
How amazing, Lord: 
    this mind of mine is capable of even knowing 
        that you are,
        that you reveal yourself to me,
        that you invite me to know you 
            and to love you...

How generous you are, Lord, 
   that you've given me 
        not only a heart but a soul:
    a soul that mirrors your divine image, 
       a soul alive with your Spirit,
          a soul unique in its very being...

How extraordinary, Lord,
    that you would desire
    that you would choose to make of my soul 
         your own dwelling place, your home;
    that you should want to live 
       within the humble confines 
            of my transitory being,
        your holy presence crowning me
           with glory and with honor...

You have created me in your own image, Lord,
   and so, indeed, you have made me little less than a god...

I'm a mere mortal, Lord:
   this body of mine, this shack of a dwelling,
      will one day weaken, 
          fall apart and turn to dust
    and yet you make of such a place
       a home for your love and your grace,
    a tabernacle 
        of your presence and peace...

If even for a moment
    I fully understood what I believe,
in that moment I would burst, Lord,
    from grasping that it's you
        who lives in my heart,
        who gives me life,     
        who's mindful, thoughtful and caring
            of me and of my life...

In the quiet of my prayer, Lord, 
   open me to your presence 
dwelling, today, dwelling even now, 
    in this moment of your grace,
        in my body, mind and soul...

If only for a moment
    give me a glimpse, a glance
        a flash of who I am in your eyes, Lord
    and the image of your holy face,
       mirrored in my soul...

Fill my mind and heart and soul, Lord,
    my body, my whole being  
with your presence and your grace,
    with your Spirit and your mercy
'til I know how great you are
    and how great the love you bear me,
dwelling deep within me
    my Savior and my God...




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