
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 8/13

would that I might write a prayer
   to light the way for a soul who's lost,
   to refresh belief in a doubter's faith,
   to calm the fears in an anxious mind,
   to relieve a sister's troubled thoughts,
   to ease a colleague's restlessness,
   to heal the hurt in a wounded heart,
   to soothe the pain of a suffering friend,
   to quicken hope in a desperate soul,
   to wipe away a mourner's tears,
   to lift a brother's spirits high,
   to mend what's worn, what's torn
       in the fabric of our lives...
To write just such a prayer, Lord:
    a prayer for problem solving,
    a prayer for inner healing,
    a prayer  for wisdom's counsel,
    a prayer for chasing clouds a way,
    a prayer for joy's awakening,
    a prayer for strengthening all that's weak,
    a pray for finding hope again,
    a prayer to pray when prayer won't come,
    a prayer for all who come and ask,
        "Please say a prayer for me..."
Of course, there is no ready  formula,
    no special combination 
        of pious, holy words
to bring a prayer to heart and lips
    when prayer's just what we need
        and yet's so difficult to find... 

The answer lies within the prayer
    that rises from each heart, Lord,
the prayer that groans and cries its way
    from deep within the soul,
or rises up in silence
    from some hidden, secret place
' til it makes its way to you,
    into your gracious, loving care...
So we plead for one another, Lord,
    and hold each other close
as we trust you hear the prayer we make
    as we begin this day...
In your kindness, Lord, please answer us
    and in your mercy stay with us;
walk close, right by our side 
    and help us find and write and speak the prayer 
        our hearts most need to pray...





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