
Monday Morning Offering: 9/16

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!
Seems that in my part of the world, Lord, 
    you’re easing us into autumn 
with warm, sunny days wrapped 
    between cool mornings and brisk evenings... 
The balance, just now, is near perfect 
but soon enough the chill will spill
    into afternoon hours
and slowly pick the leaves from trees 
    until they’re bared of beauty:
        summer’s glory fading fast...
Something in me longs to stall the seasons changing:
    to stay the summer, holding back the dying 
    bound to come around this time each year
    when the sunlight plays its game of hide and seek...
This is fall's time, Lord:
    when a nip in the air quickens my step and pace;
    when barren branches scratch their prayers 
        across a harvest moon;
    when autumn's rare, spare beauty      
        whispers psalms of praise within my heart...
Inside and out, Lord,
my soul and body stand between the seasons:
    no change in nature’s phases fails 
    to change in turn the seasons of my heart… 
The rhythms of creation, 
    of suns and planets, moons and tides 
all echo in my heart and my soul knows 
    how all that lives will die,
    how all that dies will rise again 
        when comes the spring that has no end…
Without losing an hour's sunlight
    or the joy of a warm day's kiss,
while holding close the memories
    of mountain roads and valleys,
walk me into fall, Lord,
    with autumn's leafy glory dropping down
to lay a russet carpet, earthen grace, a path
    for me to walk from season into season...

Help me let go, Lord, what I hold too tightly,
    what cannot last the whole year through
and let my empty arms embrace and trust
    that even in the falling, in the dying,
        you are with me, 
    present and abiding in the seasons 
        all the season of my life...
Be my bridge, Lord, 
    from summertime to fall
and ready me for all that lies ahead:
    the winter and the cold, 
    the springtime and its promise
    and then summer once again...
Receive my prayer today, Lord,   
    my offering of the seasons
        that turn and change and age me;
these seasons of your glory,
    these seasons of your grace
these seasons marking all the years
    I live and grow in you...




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