
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 9/23

I bless the Lord who counsels me; 
    even at night my heart exhorts me. 
I keep the Lord always before me; 
    with him at my right hand, 
        I shall never be shaken... 

I know what the psalm says, Lord,
    but still, I'm often shaken,
        anxious and afraid...
I'm shaken by what I see
    in the world, in the Church, 
        in my city, in my family
I'm shaken by what I hold, Lord,
    in the mind and in my heart...

Fear and anxiety are often daily visitors,
    upsetting my faith and my trust 
        and the balance in my step 
    as I walk the path that's mine to seek and follow...

Open me, Lord, open more than ever
    to the wisdom in your words,      
    to the healing in your touch,
    to he peace in your whisper, 
    to the calm of your presence, 
    to your counsel in my prayer,
    to the strength you daily offer
        to help me walk from day to day to day...
I know you are right there, Lord:
    always before me, beside me, behind me,
       above, below and deep within me...
Whether I feel your presence 
    or fear you've left me,
I know in faith you'll never forget me,
    never leave or abandon me, 
    when I truly need you
        right there by my side...

Even on the darkest of nights
    in my mind, in my body,
    in my thoughts, in my dreams, 
    in my worries, in my soul,
even then I'll find the way 
    and need not fail or fall
for 'though the light is dim or doused
    I reach out for your hand
        reaching out to me
and in its saving grasp I know
    you'll see me safe to dawn...
Keep me calm throughout this night
    that I might rise renewed, refreshed
and strengthened by your gifts bestowed
    while I was fast asleep... 

I bless the Lord who counsels me; 
    even at night my heart exhorts me. 
I keep the Lord always before me; 
    with him at my right hand, 
        I shall never be shaken...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

    by Karen Schneider Kirner and John T. Kyler
        sung by the Notre Dame Folk Choir
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Take from my heart, take from my heart,
take from my heart all painful anxiety.
Lord, fill my heart, Lord fill my heart,
Lord, fill my heart with your peace.

1) Lord I am yours for time and eternity,
Lord, I am yours forever!
Lord, let me learn to trust in your providence.
Lord, I am yours forever!

2) Lord, I delight in your unending hope,
Lord, I am yours forever!
In your compassion and tender mercy.
Lord, I am yours forever!

3) Lord you will lead me in my darkest days
Lord, I am yours forever!
When I am weak you will carry my heavy cross.
Lord, I am yours forever!

4) Lord, fill my heart with joy as I rest in you,
Lord, I am yours forever!
Help me to serve you, faithful to your word.
Lord, I am yours forever!

5) Lord, keep me steadfast, trusting in your design,
Lord, I am yours forever!
Through perseverance lead me in life to you.
Lord, I am yours forever!




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