
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 9/24

My faith life enjoyed a shot of enthusiasm today after a great talk with my spiritual director. But like many folks, my faith expands and diminishes, flourishes and weakens in response to what's happening inside me and in the world around me.  So, remembering some of my own down times and thinking of others whose faith today might need a shot in the arm, here's this evening's prayer, based on 2 Corinthians 5:7  We walk by faith, not by sight...

We walk by faith, and not by sight
    and so I pray as this day ends, Lord...

Grant me the faith I need,
    to see what only faith can see
        and I so often miss...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see what I don't want to see,
        what I'm afraid to face...

Grant me the faith I need
    to see the peace I've not yet found,
        the peace you offer me...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see where love is calling
        - and what it asks of me...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see, as many others see,
        with trust and hope and love...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see what's right when I am wrong
        - and know what I should do...

Grant me the faith I need
    to see your hand in all everything
        in good times and in bad...
Grant me the faith I need 
    to see the path you've laid for me
        and follow in your steps...
Grant me the faith I need,
    to see your Spirit moving me,
        to follow where it leads...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see what I've refused to see
        but need to make my own...

Grant me the faith I need
    to see how you watch over me     
        when I feel all alone...

Grant me the faith I need
    to see through what deceives me,
        what seduces and betrays me...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see your gentle hand reach out
        with mercy and with healing...      
Grant me the faith I need
    to see the ways I fail to see,
        to keep my eyes wide open...
Grant me the faith I need 
    to see what's hidden in plain sight,
        just waiting for the taking...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see how grace empowers me
        to live in peace with you...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see the good you find in me,
        the good I often miss...
Grant me the faith I need
     to see with hope when I have none,
        to trust in you again...
Grant me the faith I need
    to leave behind my foolishness
        and walk in wisdom's light...

Grant me the faith I need
    to see you in my neighbor
        and the stranger on the street...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see what I most need to see
        to live an honest life...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see beyond my selfishness
        with open arms and hands...
Grant me the faith I need
    to see the world as you do, Lord,
        with eyes of love for all...

We walk by faith, and not by sight
    and so I pray this night:
protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
    watch over me while I sleep,
that awake, I keep the watch with you
    and sleep, deep in your peace...

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We Walk by Faith by Marty Haugen
Although most of us will know this hymn through Marty Haugen's melody, the lyrics were written in 1844 by the British composer, Henry  Alford.

We walk by faith and not by sight
No gracious words we hear
Of him who spoke as none e'er spoke
Yet we believe him near
We may not touch his hands and side
Or follow where he trod
Yet in his promise we rejoice
And cry "My Lord and God"
Help then, oh Lord, our unbelief
And may our faith abound
To call on you when you are near
And seek where you are found
That when our life of faith is done
In realms of clearer light
We may behold you as you are
In full and endless sight
We walk  by faith and not by sight
No gracious words we hear
Of him who spoke as none e'er spoke
Yet we believe him near




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