
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 9/18

Last week, Lord, 
I had dinner with a friend 
I haven't seen in quite a long time.

We had a very good evening.

Some things between us have changed
(even changed a lot)
but other things have stayed the same
and so we slipped into a comfortable
oh-so-welcome familiarity,
like putting on my old, worn, bedroom slippers
just at the end of day... 

There was catching up to do
but in the more important ways
my friend and I just picked up where we'd left off,
filling in the gaps and blanks
as we connected once again...
You're my old friend, too, Lord,
from whom, from time to time, 
I drift away
and when I do, 
some things change
(even change a lot)
but others stay the same
and when, at last, I return
we slip into that comfortable,
oh-so-welcome familiarity
that only your patience, love and mercy,
never fail to offer and provide...
In the most important ways, Lord,
we pick up where I left off,
filling in the gaps and blanks as we go,
as I let go what kept me from your side
and cling again to what, 
for much too long,
I'd lost and sorely missed...

Your love is always greater
than my foolish, failing ways
and you wait in faithful vigil
'til at last I come around...

In the most important ways, Lord
we pick up where I left off
and for this I'm very grateful,
my oldest, dearest friend...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
I couldn't find a hymn about old bedroom slippers
but here's a song about going back to Jesus...
Going Back to Jesus by The Heritage Singers
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I've been gone so long 
I can hardly wait to get back to the Lord again 
There's something in my soul 
That tells me it's so good to have Him back again 
I've seen the world, 
but it all looks upside down 
So, I'm goin' back to Jesus, 
Jesus, I'm coming back to You 
Like a ship in the wind 
I change my ways and set my homeward sails again 
With Jesus as my light 
I know that I could never ever fail again 
As long as I keep sailing 
I know He'll sail with me 
So I'm going back to Jesus 
Jesus, I'm coming back to You 
So won't you come along? 
There's room enough for you within the heart of Him 
Just give yourself to Him 
And then you will forever be a part of Him 
And when we get to Heaven 
He'll give us life anew 
So I'm goin' back to Jesus 
Jesus, I'm coming back to You 
Goin' back to Jesus 
Jesus, I'm coming back to You 
Goin' back to Jesus 
Jesus, I'm coming back to You 
Goin' back to Jesus 
Jesus, I'm coming back to You





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