
On disclosing one's medical records: written with a smile!

As you know, I've spent the last four days in the hospital dealing with concerns about some numbers in my blood tests. This relates to an issue diagnosed about 10 years ago which recently became worrisome. My time in the hospital was devoted to improving those numbers - and determining that the recent changes did not have new or more serious origins. 

Upon discharge today, my numbers are the best they've been in 10 years and a follow-up program is all in place. And more good news - there's nothing nasty doing pushups in the shadows, waiting to make things worse! 

My desire here is to be honest with you - I'm not hiding any puzzle pieces - but I don't want or plan to make of my social media pages a bulletin board on hematological concerns and advice! So, with all of that - and a smile - I thank you again for your concern, your love, your prayers and good wishes! 

And let's all stop and pray here for a moment for those who, this night, are waiting to hear the good news I heard this week...





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