
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 10/4

For the past two days we've been praying (here and here) with our Jewish friends and neighbors who are celebrating their new year, Rosh Hashana.  That celebration ends this evening but Rosh Hoshana is the opening of the Ten Days of Awe, culminating in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  These are days of reflection on one's spiritual life, acknowledgement of sins and prayers for God's mercy.  Yes, it sounds like Lent! 

Christians keep a different spiritual calendar but the call to reflection and repentance is universal.  Today I came across this quote from C.S. Lewis and thought it might serve us well tonight in examining our own lives and our need for God's mercy...

Help me see myself, Lord...
Grant me unexpected, candid glances
    of who I really am:
        the person others see,
        the person you know, inside out
        - the truth of who I am...

Help me peer into the mirror of my soul
    to see myself as others do
and most of all to see myself 
    as you see me;
to see the truth of who I am
    and all the ways I hide that truth,
hide my truth from others 
    from you, Lord - and myself...

Grant the grace I need to see myself
    - as I am
 to see myself
    - as yours, your beloved
and to know that I'm created
    in your image and your likeness...

And where I've marred or broken
    your image in my soul,
come with healing, come with pardon,
    to mend what I have wounded
        and restore me to your love...

Truth be told, Lord:
    I'm good
        because you love me;
    I'm whole
        because you heal me;
    I'm forgiven
        in your mercy,
    I am yours
        and you are mine...

Grant me unexpected, candid glances
    of who I really am:
        the person others see,
        the person you know, inside out
        - the truth of who I am...
You know me so well, Lord:
    help me to know myself
        and to know my need for you
            and for your mercy...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
O God, You Search Me  

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