
Night Prayer: TUESDAY 10/1


I thank you, Lord, 
for your divine imagination,
your playful wisdom shaping earth,
its seasons and their beauty...
Who first knew 
your plan for shorter days,
a chill to sap the chlorophyll 
from summer’s leafy, shady boughs? 
Or your gift of longer nights 
unfolding hidden hues on every branch;
your hand, bared, waving blessings 
gifts on an October breeze...

I see revealed in summer's loss, 
in each tree's seasoned dying:
a beauty, gold and russet
rustling royal purple patches, 
crimson capped and glory crowned...
I see fall's sheer light flickering
through leaves aglow 
as though on fire from within: 
autumn embers burning 'way 
the summer's last hurrah...
It all appears so simple, Lord, 
as if you had no hand, divine, 
no mastery, no artistry,
in such a grand design...

As my hope's summered green fades, Lord, 
paint my soul in autumn hues, 
illumined with the season's light 
whose only source is you...
I praise you, Lord, for every leaf 
that sighs and dies and falls
to pad the path I wander
in the forests of your grace...
Make safe my way 
through autumn's change,
its beauty and surprises,
and walk with me, close by my side,
through all it's nights and days...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

Seasons Change by Ray Boltz
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I see a farmer in a field at dawn
His land is crying out for rain
The year's been hard
His crops are almost gone
But he is not to blame

The morning sun is climbing
In the sky
I see him smiling through the tears
I wonder how can men
Like this survive
But he's been here for years

Seasons change
Barren fields will bloom again
Seasons change
Gentle rains will fall
Seasons change
Better days will come and then
You will find the blessing
Is worth the pain
So just believe
And let the seasons change

I see a farmer in his field at dusk
With joy he brings a harvest in
The pride he feels
Is in the One he trusts
And he offers thanks to Him

Hearts grown cold
May be warmed by the summer sun
Dreams you hold
May be closer than you know




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