
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 10/15

I wrote this prayer a few years back,
spent some time reworking it this afternoon,
and offer it for your prayer this evening...

I watch a leaf, falling from its branch,   
    then skittering, here and there,
dancing down the street,
    at the wind's own beck and call...

I walk and follow that one leaf:
    it dawdles and it pokes along, 
then with a lift it leaps - a jeté - 
    on a breath from deep within my soul...

I am that leaf, Lord, sometimes stalled
    and stilled upon a grassy path
and sometimes skipping all about,
    exuding secret, hidden joy...
I am that leaf, Lord, whom your Spirit
    (wind beneath my wings)
lifts high in flight 'til I descend,
    gently resting on the ground...
I am that leaf, Lord, powerless,
    until your breath gives wing
to raise me up, escaping bonds
    that holds me back and down...
I am that leaf, Lord, crying out:
  "Lift me on the breeze!"
Draw me up from sorrow's depths
    to joy I've yet to know...

I am that leaf and you're the wind
    I need to breathe and live:
to dance, to play, to make my way
    with grace along my path...
In the quiet of this moment,
   in the power of your Spirit,
lift my soul to be with you, Lord,
    in prayer this holy night...

In my prayer, Lord, help me see:
   you've been my breath, my help and hope
every time I've been that lonely leaf,
    falling from a tree...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
    watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
For tonight's music, listen here 
and in your prayerful imagination
think of yourself as a falling leaf 
in your relationship with God.
If it helps, offer tonight's prayer again
as you listen to the music...
Falling Leaves by Martin Tallstrom
If a video doesn't appear below, click here!




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