
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 10/22

Day is done, Lord...

Autumn's evening chill shivers,
turning leaves and me
to seasons' change and touch...

The shiver shakes awake the fall within
and I seek pardon, Lord,
for any early frost upon my heart...

For this day's noontime warmth,
October hues and simple joys
I give you praise and glory...
Through branches growing stark and bare
I thank you for the moonlight
shining down upon my path...

To your holy heart and arms, Lord,
I lift up all those who care for me
and those who lean on me for strength...

Day is done, Lord,
   day is done...

May this night's moon wax full 
and shine with peace
until I wake to greet the dawn...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


This piano solo with a NASA video of the moonscape
seems just the perfect night prayer music 
for this evening's prayer...

Claire de lune by Debussy
    performed by Timothy Hammond
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