
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 10/8

These days, Lord, a lot of folks are down,
    in a funk, they've got the blues,
        their spirits are low...
When these days, these seasons come,
   will you lift us up, Lord?

Will you reach out your hand to ours
   and with your strong arm pull us up
      and out of the forest of our fears,
      the traps of our self-doubt,
      the blues that haunt our hearts?

Lift us up with a word of faith
   to help us trust in your presence,
      in your desire to free us from our fears...

Lift us up with a word of love
   to help us see within ourselves
      the beauty of your image dwelling in our souls...

Lift us up with a word of hope
   to cut the darkness with your light
      and help us trust the peace you offer...

Lift us up with a word of light
   to help us know where you would lead us
      and what you ask of us this day...

Lift us up with a word of healing
   to soothe the ache within our souls,
      the hurt within our hearts, the chill deep in our bones...

Lift us up with a word of trust
   in those who counsel us, who care for us
      and guide us through the darkness...

Lift us up with a word of peace
   to free our souls from all that troubles us
       and locks us in our fears...

Lift us up with a word of wisdom
   to clear our minds of doubt and all that keeps us
      from trusting in your promise...

Lift us up with a word of strength
   when we are weak and cannot move
      for fear of stumbling and somehow failing...

Lift us up with a word of mercy
   to refresh our hearts, our souls, our spirits
      in the grace that only you can give...

Lift us up with a word of wonder
   to open our minds and hearts again
      to believe in you and in your love for us...

Lift us up with a word of courage
   to help us speak what's in our hearts today
      and take the steps that lead where we need to go...

Lift us up with a word of joy
   to kindle in our hearts the trust we need
      to open up to friendship, care and love...

Lift us up with a word that comes right from your heart
   to help us trust you know our names, our hearts,
      and what we need to live and love...

Lift us up with a word of power
   to raise our souls from their lonely depths,
      to lighten our hearts and bring us joy...

Lift us up, Lord!
Fill the quiet of our prayer with your peaceful presence
   and our hearts with faith and trust that you can do all things:
      that you can do what we fear can't be done;
      that you can heal what we fear can't be healed;
      that you'll forgive what we fear won't be pardoned;
      that you can give what we fear we'll never have;
      that you can change
         what we fear will never change within us or about us...

Reach out your hand to us, Lord,
   and with your strong arm pull us up,
out of the forest of our fears,
    from the traps of our self-doubt,
      from the blues that haunt our hearts...

Lift us up, Lord,
    lift us up, we pray!

Protect us Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Lifting Me Up by Riley Clemmons
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At my lowest I am not alone 
You are with me  And You won’t let go 
I’m not down for the count though it looks like I am
I need only be still and watch Your mighty hand 
Fighting my battles I know where my help comes from 
You’re lifting me up  Raising my head 
Giving me strength  When I have none left 
My shield and defender With me forever 
I know I’m not done  ‘Cause I feel Your love 
Lifting me up
I will trust You Even when it’s hard 
I hold Your promise Here inside my heart 
That I’m not down for the count,  I’ll see victory again 
I need only be still and watch Your mighty hand 
Fighting my battles I know where my help comes from 
You’re lifting me up  Raising my head 
Giving me strength  When I have none left 
My shield and defender With me forever 
I know I’m not done  ‘Cause I feel Your love 
Lifting me up

Out of the darkness Into the light You’re lifting me up 
Holding me tight Out of my burdens 
Into Your hope You’re lifting me up 
Oh and You’ll never, no never let go

You’re lifting me up  Raising my head 
Giving me strength  When I have none left 
My shield and defender With me forever 
I know I’m not done  ‘Cause I feel Your love 
You're lifting me up  
You’re lifting me up  Raising my head 
Giving me strength  When I have none left 
My shield and defender With me forever 
I know I’m not done  ‘Cause I feel Your love 
You're lifting me up 
You're lifting me up




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