It's December, Lord,
the time of year, the season
when we celebrate your advent,
your coming, your arrival...
They say you came 2,000 years and more ago
and they say you're here today
and they say you'll come again...
Me, Lord?
I often find myself still waiting,
still waiting for your advent,
and sometimes it seems I've waited so long
and in so many ways...
I wait to find you, to know you,
to believe in you...
I wait to find you, to know you,
to believe in you...
I wait for you to show yourself,
to show me your face
and let its light shine full upon my own…
I wait for you to speak to me,
to speak a word I understand:
a word I need to hear,
a word my heart can grasp,
a word my heart can hold,
a word my heart can keep,
a word that brings me peace...
a word my heart can hold,
a word my heart can keep,
a word that brings me peace...
I wait to find the truth that sets me free
from all that holds me fast
in my confusion, fear and doubt…
I wait for you to hear my prayer
and I wait for you to answer me...
I wait for your Spirit to move me,
nudge me and shake me awake;
I wait for your Spirit to stir within
and let me know you're with me
and I'm with you...
and I wait for you to answer me...
I wait for your Spirit to move me,
nudge me and shake me awake;
I wait for your Spirit to stir within
and let me know you're with me
and I'm with you...
I wait to hear your wisdom, telling me
where to turn, what path to take,
which choices I should make...
which choices I should make...
I wait for you to calm my fears,
my anxious, lonely heart,
my anxious, lonely heart,
and my worried, troubled soul…
I wait for you to help me find
even just a little peace of mind…
even just a little peace of mind…
I wait to find your presence in my daily rounds:
in the ordinary people, times and places
where I least expect but really need to see you...
I wait to know your mercy:
the forgiveness of my sins,
the cleansing of my soul,
the cleansing of my soul,
refreshment for my spirit...
I wait because I trust you'll never fail
to call me to begin again, anew:
I wait because I trust you'll never fail
to call me to begin again, anew:
my slate wiped clean,
my sins absolved,
my heart mended,
my sins absolved,
my heart mended,
pardoned, healed, restored...
I wait for you, Lord,
even when I'm not sure why I'm waiting
- but then I wait some more
for in the waiting I begin
to see you in the dark
to hear you in the silence
to see you in the dark
to hear you in the silence
and to feel your touch upon my heart...
In the waiting I begin to know
your presence, voice and touch
In the waiting I begin to know
your presence, voice and touch
in the care of those around me
whose hearts and hands are yours, Lord,
whose voices speak your words...
whose voices speak your words...
In the quiet of my Advent prayer
I wait for you to come
because I hope, I trust, I know, Lord
- you wait for me as well...
because I hope, I trust, I know, Lord
- you wait for me as well...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is 5 minutes
of beautiful, soul soothing "waiting music"
- cello and piano
O Come, Emmanuel by The Piano Guys
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