

Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Not too many shopping days left ‘til your birthday, Lord…

Gotta start thinking about what to get
"for the God who has everything."

So, what can I give you?

What could you possibly want from me?

I know, I know!

What you want from me
are those things I hang on to, cling to,
the things I don’t, I won't let go of:
    the things, people and situations 

    that get in the way 
    between you and me...
So, for your birthday, Lord, 
I want to offer you
    (or at least try to offer you)
the things I know I need to let go...

Help me let go the ways
    I keep myself from your love for me,
the ways I run from the truth
    that you love me with no strings attached...

I offer you the times I downplay, deny 
and waste my gifts and talents:
    help me see how wonderful and unique
    is the person you made me to be,
    and help me believe you take delight in me...

Lord, help me let go my envy
    and all the ways I focus on what others have
    and all the times I forget how much you've given me…

Keep me from jealous thoughts
    and open my eyes to the treasures
        I have at my fingertips,
especially the treasure of your love

    and that of family and friends...

I offer you my tendency 

to take myself too seriously:
    give me a healthy sense of humor, Lord,
    and help me laugh at myself

    when I need to...

Help me out of my moody sulking, Lord;
when I banish myself to lonely places,
    draw me out of myself, into your arms

        and into the arms of others...

And help me let go, Lord,
of people and relationships 
that just aren't helpful or healthy for me:
    help me let go of folks who hold me back 
    and keep me from growing
        in faith, in hope and in love...
I offer you my better instincts, Lord,
    my graced intuitions,
the ones I so easily dismiss
    when I mistrust my own judgment:
give me courage to speak and to act
    on the truth I know and carry within…

I offer you the best of who I am,
    the person you created me to be,
the unique individual you knew and loved
    even before you knit me in my mother’s womb…

I offer you the unknown, untried, unused portions
    of my heart, my soul, my mind, my imagination:
make of me the person you intended, Lord,
    and use my life to touch others
        as others’ lives touch mine…

And, Lord, help me let go anything     
    that leads me to think I have nothing to offer
        or that what I have to offer isn't good enough:
let the light of your advent shine on me
    and on every gift you’ve given me, large and small
        - and especially the gift of your love…

I offer you anything and everything
    that keeps me from knowing
how much you love me, Lord
    and how precious I am in your eyes…

And, Lord – help me to find in others
    the goodness I know you see in them...

Such are the gifts I can offer you this Christmas, Lord:
    be patient with me 

        even if it takes me a whole new year
            to truly hand them over to you...

I know that you have everything, Lord

and there's nothing you really need from me:
    accept my little offerings, my gifts
        and my gratitude 

    that everything you've made and cherish 
        includes me, my soul, my heart and my life...





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