
Remembering Christmas past...

This prayer looks back on Christmas past
    and adds a song I've just found...

A photo of my family's first Christmas with my brother, John, who was only 10 days old that Christmas morn.  John was definitely the best present we all received that year!  My mother is holding him, my sister Ruth is on the left and my father is behind the camera.  These three children miss their loving parents who have gone home to the Lord...

when Christmas taps a sad place in my heart
stir up the joys of Christmas past
and let me know once more
the peace my memories hold
'til I rejoice again
as I did years ago... 
When Christmas draws my mind and heart
to those no longer with us,
restore my faith in life to come
and let me know once more
the peace my memories hold
'til I rejoice again
as I did years ago... 
When Christmas presents fade and break
remind me of the gifts that truly last
and let me know once more
the peace my memories hold
'til I rejoice again
as I did years ago...

when melancholy steals my joy
refresh your Spirit's grace deep in my heart
and let me know once more
the peace my memories hold
'til I rejoice again
as I did years ago...

A song I've just found, perfect for this post...
Christmas Past by Jose Mari Chan
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The sound of bells at early dawn 
Like music from afar 
Soft gentle breeze, the world at peace 
A solitary star 
Those joyful hymns and warm hellos 
The candy canes and colored bows 
All these and love are memories of 
My Christmas past 
Those wondrous toys of girls and boys 
The cheer that Santa brings 
That glorious tale of sheperd boys 
Of angels and of kings 
A Christmas tree with lights aglow 
Some cotton snow and mistletoe 
All these and love are memories of 
My Christmas past 
Silver and gold, red and green 
Colors of a wonderful scene 
Memories they keep returning 
And I'm like a child again 
 If there's a place in time and space 
Where Christmas past has gone 
I'll surely try if I could fly 
To see that early dawn 
And share again that Christmas past 
With all those who have gone 
But those memories will forever live 
live within my heart




1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful! May the joy of the birth of the Infant Jesus help each of us to share our memories with loved ones! Help us to keep the childhood wonder alive in our hearts!


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