
A favorite annual Epiphany post

Photo by MS

 (This is the last in a series of Epiphany posts.)

This prayer connects a photo of a simple street scene in Brookline, MA with the star in today's gospel, guiding the magi to the Christ Child...  

A friend took this photo 17 years ago: a night shot wherein the darkness reveals more than daylight might have shown. A street light glowing like a star, a humble dwelling's greater light spilling out its doorway into the darkness: Epiphany!  (Click on the image for a larger version)

Although I'm out of touch with my photographer friend, I hope that she might see this post and know that her work is still inspiring believers following that Star of wonder, star so bright...  

O Magi - were you confused?

Did you wonder if you'd taken a left for a right
    or misread the bright star's GPS?

Was it all a big mistake? Could this really be 
    the town?  the street? the place? the door?
But a light spills into night and beckons, calling: 
    "This way! Come this way!
    Let go your thoughts of what should be,
    what might have been, and
    open up to what is here, what's now,
    to where he is and where he dwells:
        he whose light and presence warm
            this chilled and darkened night!"  
Teach us wisdom, Lord:
    open our eyes to your star above
        and our hearts to your glowing presence
    living within us, all around us
        and just across the street,
    lighting the paths we walk each day, 
        lifting us up, out of our darkness,
            to find your radiant, holy face...
Protect us, Lord, in the dark of night,
    shine bright upon us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace... 

This musical selection is perfect for tonight's prayer and offers us an ingenious arrangement, coupling a relatively new song (1991) with an old (1857) and well known Christmas carol... 
Come, Follow That Star by  
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There's a star in the east and we must follow
    if we want to find the love of the tiny Child
Follow that star,
    come, follow that star

Sent from heaven above,
    he will change the world with his love
We must find him
    we must follow that star
Kings and travelers come from afar
    filled with hope and wonder they are
seeking ever, doubting never
    led by that shining light
Star of wonder, star so bright
    guide us through the dark of night 
now we seek him, soon to greet him
    tiny Child of truth and light
There's a star in the east and we must follow
    if we want to find the love of the tiny Child




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