Image: George Mendoza
Good morning, good God!
I know so many folks, Lord,
who are trying:
- people trying to stay on the right path,
trying to take a step in a new direction…
- people trying to begin,
or begin again,
trying to do things that seem so simple
but are so very hard to do…
- people trying to make the right decision,
trying to make the wise choice,
trying to do the right thing…
- people trying to believe, to trust:
in themselves,
in others,
in you…
- people trying again and again
when they’ve tried so many times before
(and perhaps are tired now of trying)
and yet - are trying to try again…
So many folks who are trying, Lord...
So, I offer you this morning
the efforts of all of us who try:
who try to know, to love and to serve you
in all we do;
who try to be and become the persons
you created us to be;
who try to find the truth
and to live by it...
forgive our false starts,
give us fresh starts
and the hope and courage we need
- to try again…
I offer you our earnest desires
and ask that you keep us honest:
show us how easily we con ourselves,
thinking that we're trying
when, in truth, we're not trying at all;
keep us honest with you,
honest with others
and honest with ourselves...
I offer you all our redoubled efforts, Lord,
and pray you redouble
the strength that's yours to give,
the help we so much need,
the grace I know is ours for the asking…
I offer you our desire, Lord,
to choose what's true, good, healthy and pure
- and when we settle for less -
give us the desire to desire more,
more of what's good
for our relationship with you
and with our neighbors...
deepen our trust,
refresh our hope,
renew our strength
and give us the will
to try, one day at a time
and to live,
and give us patience with each other
as each of us tries
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