
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 2/28

Because I so mistrust the media, Lord,
I'm seldom shaken by news that will,
within in a day, be
    or parsed into insignificance
before news cycle churns out
    a new batch of half-truths,
    myths and lies... 

But once in a while, Lord,
I'm privy to the breaking news in its making:
    no reporting here, no editing,
    just the news as it's happening;
    witnessed by my own eyes
    heard with my own ears,
    processed by my own intelligence,
the breaking news,
    real, raw, uncensored...
And news like this
    can aggravate, alarm and anger me,
    unsettle, rile and rattle me,
    distress, derail and disarm me
- and not just for the moment -
    but in ways that stay with me
    long past the news day's end...
When such is the news, Lord:
    renew my faith and my trust in you, 
    give me some words of wisdom to ponder,
    help me discern how I might respond,
    grant me the courage of my convictions,
    help me resist the impulse to hate,
    inspire my words with your truth and your grace,
    shape my deeds to serve and build up
    and make of my life, day in and day out,
    a source of good news to lift the hearts 
    of all the people I meet and know...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

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Line by line it was written Hope in every sentence
He was good start to finish
Yes He was
The words that usher His presence
And tell of the glories of heaven
The earth that still shakes at the mention
Yes it does
I’ve got good news  
For the broken, for the hurting 
He came for you 
In your hoping, in your searching 
One thing remains true  
Jesus is still our Good News   
Freeing each soul that was bound up  
Loving the one who was unloved  
Giving mercy to sinners  
And He still does  
His love is as vast as an ocean  
He cares for the poor and the orphaned  
The healer that stopped for the one  
And He still does    
I’ve got good news  
For the broken, for the hurting 
He came for you 
In your hoping, in your searching 
One thing remains true  
Jesus is still our Good News  
What joy, what relief 
His blood washed me clean  
There’s still hope for me 
For all He has redeemed  
He wrote a better story 
He has set me free 
There’s still hope for me 
I’ve got good news  
For the broken, for the hurting 
He came for you 
In your hoping, in your searching 
One thing remains true  
Jesus is still our Good News   




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