
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 2/19

I saw this meme on line, Lord:

Short and sweet, just a dozen words,
but oh-so-hard to do!
Accept what is?
Accept "what is" with all its messiness?
Its rough edges?  Its hurt, pain and suffering?
Accept "what is" 
when the last thing I want to acknowledge
is that the fix I'm in 
is my life today, 
the hand I've been dealt,
the mess I've made,
the way things are,
the reality of my existence
and the place, the very place,
the only place 
where you wait to meet me,
to make yourself present
and help me accept 
my life as it is today...
Oh...  maybe I'm beginning to understand...
But, let go what was?
"Let go" what I loved?
What I cherished and treasured?
What I dreamed of, planned for, 
prayed, hoped and worked for?
"Let go" what I want to hold on to?
"Let go" all things that glom on to me?
"Let go" what I need (or think I need)
to exist, to survive and be happy?
"Let go" what I cling to
- even those things -
that keep me from finding you,
falling in love with you,
from claiming and naming you
first in my life,
in my mind and my thoughts,
and deep in my heart of hearts?
To "let go" the people, the places and things
that I really don't need
without which I'd likely be
freer, more peaceful
and closer to you...

OK... it's starting to make sense...
But, to believe in what will be? 
To believe in what I don't yet know?
To believe in what I can't yet know?
To believe in a future 
whose length, breadth and depth 
are a  mystery to me?
To believe in a future I cannot see,
cannot touch, 
cannot predict, 
cannot feel,
cannot control?
To believe in a future
that well could be 
nothing like
what I've dreamed of, planned for,
prayed, hoped and worked for? 
To trust in a future beyond my reach,
out of my hands, 
distant, untold and elusive, 
inscrutable, hidden, uncharted:
a future known only to you, Lord,
who hold in your hands
the whole of my past,
my life as it is
and knowledge of all that I'll ever need
to become the person you made me to be,
to go wherever your Spirit may lead,
to speak and to do what your word commands
and to live forever
in peace
with you...
Hmm... it's all coming together...

Still not easy, Lord, 
but slowly, more and more 
I see the wisdom here: 
this is how things are, 
there is no other way
and in all this lies the truth
of who you are in my life
and who I am in yours... 

Accept what is...
    Let go what was...
        And believe in what will be...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

The Serenity Prayer Song
    by the Serenity Prayer Project 
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