
Monday Morning Offering: 3/11

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!
My first MMO for this year's Lent
so I'm venturing out on a limb, Lord:
this morning I want offer you:

a trinket or toy that I don't really need 
    but very much want and desire...
some distraction that eats up lots of my time
    and keeps me from prayer and from you... 
some cash I'll probably spend on myself
    that could better be used helping others...
a worry or fear that consumes my soul
    and keeps me from trusting you...
a grudge or resentment that hardens my heart
    and keeps me from being at peace...
anything, Lord, that keeps me from growing
    in grace and in faith, in hope and in love...
I've a storehouse of all I've mentioned above,
    you can choose, Lord, from all that I've offered;
just give me the strength to let go and surrender
    myself to your mercy, this Lent...




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