
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 3/9

I wrote this prayer a few years ago but have spent a fair amount of time reworking it for this evening.  Let's pray, then, on the night we move our clocks ahead for Daylight Saving Time...
Salvador Dali: The Persistence of Memory 

Like Dali's melting watches 

losing power to mark the time

or measure with precision

the passing nights and days 

so my watch, Lord, tick-tocks

a snail's pace 

- or races with abandon 

past my reach

‘til I lose sense 

of what the hour or day may be 

and wonder, as I often do

when my time will be done...

But memories, Lord, persist:

recapturing time, 

reminding me

of all that’s been

and will not be again...  


It's in memories, Lord, 

that time stands still 

just long enough 

for me to see

my graced and gifted past... 

And it's memories, Lord, 

that feed my hope of years to come, 

of time to spend, 

to share, 

to live, 

to love... 


Be the keeper of my time, Lord:

save my time from foolish wasting;

make more time for me to pray;

use your time to heal my wounds;

tell me when it's time to change;

keep my step in time with yours;

time after time, forgive my sins;

and as time is passing by

please let me see how precious 

is the time you've given me...


Be the keeper of my time, Lord,

every minute, hour and day,

'til I pass beyond life's ticking watch

to timelessness with you...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song is Day By Day - but NOT the one
you know - give a listen to this new musical setting
of the familiar lyrics...
Day By Day by Victor Johnson
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Day by day, day by day, day by day
Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray:
    to see thee more clearly,
    love thee more dearly,
    follow thee more nearly, day by day 
Day by day, day by day, 
Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray...



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