
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 3/10

On Sundays, Night Prayer takes its lead from some element of the day's liturgy.  Today's psalm at mass (Psalm 91) is this evening's musical offering: Be With Me, Lord...
We need you, Lord!

We need you now, Lord:
    in the chaos of war in Ukraine and Gaza...
We need you now, Lord:
    to salvage the truth from among all the lies...
We need you now, Lord:
    in the ashes of California's wildfires...
We need you now, Lord:
    to melt our hearts to welcome the stranger...

We need you now, Lord:
    in the darkest hours of personal grief...
We need you now, Lord:
    to cleanse our minds of prejudice and bias...

We need you now, Lord:
    when sadness can be overwhelming...
We need you now, Lord:
    let your wisdom shame our foolish ways...

We need you now, Lord:
    in many more ways that we can count,
    to help us achieve what we've failed to do,
    to be our strength when ours is gone,
    our hope when we have none...

We need you now, Lord:
    not yesterday, in times gone by,
    not tomorrow, sometime down the road,
    not in theory or empty rhetoric
    but here and now, in flesh and bone,
    in real time, soon, before it's too late...

We need you, Lord,
    and we need you now...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Psalm 91 by Marty Haugen
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Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble,
     be with me, Lord, I pray!

You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord most high,
who abide in the shadow of our God,
say to the Lord,  "My refuge and fortress,
the God in whom I trust!"

Be with me, Lord...

No evil shall befall you, no pain come near,
for the angels stand close by your side
guarding you always and bearing you gently,
watching over your life.

Be with me, Lord...

Those who cling to the Lord live secure in God's love
lifted high those who trust in God's name
Call on your Lord who will never forsake you,
God will bring you salvation and joy.

Be with me, Lord...

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