It's only the second day of Lent, Lord,
but I want to check in and pray
that you're making this journey with me...
I pray you'll be there, ready to meet me,
each and every time I come to you,
reach out to you in prayer.
Actually, I know you'll be there
so what I'm really praying for
is my openness to your presence
each time I call on your name...
And I pray you'll keep me faithful, Lord,
faithful to whatever plans I've made
to deny myself some creature comforts,
to fast from things that fill me up,
to abstain from what I just don't need
and to feast on all the goodness,
all the nourishment you offer
in your wisdom and your word...
And I pray you'll help me open my heart
(and my purse, my wallet and checkbook)
and help me hear the cry of the poor
and find some genuine hands-on ways
to touch and serve any whose needs
reach out for a share of my bounty...
Be my partner this, Lent, my faithful companion,
my guide and my guard along the way;
be the light in my darkness,
my hope when I'm down,
my healing in pain,
my strength when I'm weak,
and my refuge in fear...
Lent's only just begun, Lord,
so I'm just checking in,
just want to be sure,
that you're with me
and will be right by my side,
through these holy, forty days...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
This is a different "Be with me, Lord" than the one you're probably familiar with but I think it's particularly apt for this evening's prayer in Lent...
Be With Me, Lord by Tom Booth
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