
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 3/16

I know I'm a day early, but the celebration of Saint Patrick's Day is anticipated in many ways, in many places.  Here's a short paragraph from his Confessio, the only text attributed to Patrick for which we have solid literary evidence.  Here, the Saint of the Emerald Isle gives us his creed...

The sun 
which we see rising for us each day 
at his command, 
that sun will never reign 
nor will its splendor continue forever; 
and all those who adore that sun 
will come to a bad, miserable penalty. 
We, however, 
believe in and adore the true sun, 
that is, Christ, 
who will never perish. 
Nor will they perish who do his will 
but they will abide forever 
just as Christ will abide forever. 
He lives with God the Father almighty 
and with the Holy Spirit 
before the ages began, 
and now, 
and for all the ages of ages. 
Let's pause for prayer...

God of every morning,
let me find in this day's sunrise
    but a shade of your Son's glory,
    a glimpse of his brilliance,
    a glimmer of his beauty,
    a foreshadowing of his radiance,
        the light he is
            in which is found no darkness... 
God of every morning,
may the light of Christ illuminate
my words and deeds,
my hopes and dreams,
my way,
my truth,
my life...

God of every morning,
let me find in your Son's rising
the only light I'll ever need
to make my way
to you,
to home,
into your arms
of peace... 




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