
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 3/18

I've been thinking about how greed is the source of so much of the trouble and turmoil in the news these days.  Recalling that greed is one of the seven deadly sins, I've set myself the task of taking a very modest look at our problems (global, national and personal) through the filter of these vices - and their corresponding virtues. (This post will be the first in an occasional series.)
We want more, Lord - and not just more -
    we want more and more and more...
It seems we're never satisfied,
    never content with all we have,
        all that we own, hold and possess...
If there's more to be had
    we want it;
if there's more to be bought,
    we buy it;
if there's more to be kept,
    we store it; 
if it's over our budget,
    we steal it;
if there's more to be saved,
    we bank it;
if there's more to be taken,
    we grab it;
if there's more to collect,
    we hoard it;
and if others have more 
    of whatever we want,
we claim it and take it by force 
    as our own...
We so often want more than we need, Lord:
    we increase our excess and surplus
        while others go hungry and homeless;
    we bask in our bounty and plenty 
        while others struggle - just to survive;
    we give away what we can easily spare,
        seldom feeling the pinch ourselves...
We always want more, Lord, 
- and then, even more:
    more money, more land
        more power, more clout; 
    more bombs and more guns,
        more ways to destroy;
    more toys and devices,
        more things and more bling;
    more colors and styles
        to hang in our closets;
    more stuff than we need
       or could possibly use;
    more than he, she or they
       may appear to possess;
    much more than we need
        while many have nothing;
    much more of so much
        that is given for all...
We forget or ignore a truth we should know:
    all that we have, Lord, comes from your hands;
gifts not for keeping, holding or owning
    (all that we have is on loan from you)
but gifts meant for giving and sharing with others
    'til all have a share in all your provide... 
Free us from our greed, Lord,
    and fill, refresh, restore in us:
        hearts abrim with charity,
        sacrifice made willingly 
        a desire for simplicity,
        a spirit of generosity,
        kindness born of empathy,
        compassion for the needy,
        and goodwill graced by clemency,
            by kindness, love and mercy...
Free us, Lord, from greed that steals
    the yearning of our souls,
    our hearts' most pure desires,
    the plans and best intentions
        in our thoughts and our good will...
And teach us, Lord, we pray,
    to learn that less is more,
    that in giving we receive,
    that we leave this world with nothing
and most of all, O God,
    that your love and your grace
        are more than enough for us...
Take, Lord, Receive by John Foley, S.J.
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Take, Lord, receive all my liberty, 
my memory, understanding, 
my entire will.

Give me only your love and your grace, 
that’s enough for me.
Your love and your grace, 
are enough for me.

Take, Lord, receive all I have and possess.
You have given all to me, 
now I return it.

Give me only your love and your grace, 
that’s enough for me.
Your love and your grace, 
are enough for me.

Take, Lord, receive, all is yours now.
Dispose of it, 
wholly according to your will.

Give me only your love and your grace, 
that’s enough for me.
Your love and your grace, 
are enough for me.




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